populate($row); return 1; } else { return 0; } } /***** ** Populate the object using its ID *****/ public function populate($row) { $this->content_id = $row['content_id']; $this->locale_id = $row['locale_id']; $this->version_id = $row['version_id']; $this->permalink = $row['permalink']; $this->version = $row['version']; $this->locale = $row['locale']; $this->creation_date = $row['creation_date']; $this->update_date = $row['update_date']; $this->author = $row['author']; $this->is_public = $row['is_public']; $this->is_archive = $row['is_archive']; $this->is_commentable = $row['is_commentable']; $this->type = $row['type']; $this->name = $row['name']; $this->content = $row['content']; } /***** ** Edit a page by archiving the current one and inserting a new one ID *****/ public function update() { global $config; global $user; if($this->content_id == 0 || $this->locale_id == 0 || $this->version_id == 0) die("Cannot update entry without giving ID"); $this->version++; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE content_versions SET is_archive = TRUE WHERE locale_id = $1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->locale_id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $query = "INSERT INTO content_versions (version, update_date, is_archive, name, content, locale_id) VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare2", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare2", array($this->version, date('r'), $this->name, $this->content, $this->locale_id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $this->version_id = pg_fetch_assoc($result)['id']; $query = "INSERT INTO content_contributors (content, contributor) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT (content, contributor) DO NOTHING"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare3", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare3", array($this->locale_id, $user->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tUPDATE \tEdit blog article '".$this->permalink."'\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.articles.log'); } /***** ** Delete an article by archiving it *****/ public function delete() { global $config; global $user; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE contents SET is_public=FALSE WHERE permalink=$1 AND type='blog'"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->permalink)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tDELETE \tArchive blog article '".$this->permalink."'\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.articles.log'); } /***** ** Restore a page from unpublishing it *****/ public function restore() { global $config; global $user; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE contents SET is_public=TRUE WHERE permalink=$1 AND type='blog'"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->permalink)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tRESTORE \tPublish blog article '".$this->permalink."'\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.articles.log'); } /***** ** Create an article *****/ public function insert() { global $config; global $user; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "INSERT INTO contents (permalink, creation_date, is_public, is_commentable, type) VALUES ($1, $2, TRUE, $3, 'blog') RETURNING id"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->permalink, date('r'), $this->is_commentable)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $this->content_id = pg_fetch_assoc($result)['id']; $query = "INSERT INTO content_locales (content_id, locale, author) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare2", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare2", array($this->content_id, $this->locale, $user->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $this->locale_id = pg_fetch_assoc($result)['id']; $query = "INSERT INTO content_versions (version, update_date, is_archive, name, content, locale_id) VALUES ('0', $1, FALSE, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare3", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare3", array(date('r'), $this->name, $this->content, $this->locale_id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $this->version_id = pg_fetch_assoc($result)['id']; $query = "INSERT INTO content_contributors (content, contributor) VALUES ($1, $2)"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare4", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare4", array($this->id, $user->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tINSERT \tCreate new blog article '".$this->permalink."'\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.articles.log'); } /***** ** Converts the Markdown content to HTML *****/ public function md2html() { $this->content_html = \Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($this->content); } /***** ** Converts the Markdown content to text *****/ public function md2txt() { $this->md2html(); $this->content_txt = strip_tags($this->content_html); } } /********************************************************** *********************************************************** ** ** This class is to manage a list of blog articles ** *********************************************************** **********************************************************/ class BlogArticles { public $objs = array(); public $number = NULL; /***** ** Return the list of different articles *****/ public function listArticles($first, $count, $archive=0) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT content_versions.id AS version_id, * FROM contents INNER JOIN content_locales ON contents.id = content_locales.content_id INNER JOIN content_versions ON content_locales.id = content_versions.locale_id WHERE is_archive=FALSE "; if ($archive != 1) $query .= "AND is_public=TRUE "; $query .= "AND type='blog' ORDER BY update_date DESC"; $query .= " LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($count, $first)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); for($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $this->objs[$i] = new BlogArticle; $this->objs[$i]->populate($row); } } /***** ** Return the number of articles *****/ public function number($archive=0) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT content_versions.id AS version_id, * FROM contents INNER JOIN content_locales ON contents.id = content_locales.content_id INNER JOIN content_versions ON content_locales.id = content_versions.locale_id WHERE is_archive=FALSE "; if ($archive == 1) $query .= "AND is_public=TRUE "; $query .= "AND type='blog' ORDER BY update_date DESC"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array()) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->number = pg_num_rows($result); } /***** ** Return the list of archived version of a blog article *****/ public function getHistory($url) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT content_versions.id AS version_id, * FROM contents INNER JOIN content_locales ON contents.id = content_locales.content_id INNER JOIN content_versions ON content_locales.id = content_versions.locale_id WHERE permalink=$1 AND type='blog' ORDER BY update_date DESC"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($url)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->number = pg_num_rows($result); for($i = 0; $i < $this->number; $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $this->objs[$i] = new BlogArticle; $this->objs[$i]->populate($row); } } } /********************************************************** *********************************************************** ** ** This class is to manage a blog comment object ** *********************************************************** **********************************************************/ class BlogComment { public $id = NULL; public $version = 0; public $creation_date = NULL; public $update_date = NULL; public $author = NULL; public $is_public = NULL; public $is_archive = NULL; public $content = NULL; public $comment = NULL; public $locale = NULL; /***** ** Connect to correct account using ID and stores its ID *****/ public function checkID($id) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT * FROM content_comments WHERE id=$1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); if(pg_num_rows($result) == 1) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $this->populate($row); return 1; } else { return 0; } } /***** ** Populate the object using its ID *****/ public function populate($row) { $this->id = $row['id']; $this->version = $row['version']; $this->creation_date = $row['creation_date']; $this->update_date = $row['update_date']; $this->author = $row['author']; $this->is_public = $row['is_public']; $this->is_archive = $row['is_archive']; $this->content = $row['content']; $this->comment = $row['comment']; $this->locale = $row['locale']; } /***** ** Create a new comment *****/ public function insert() { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "INSERT INTO content_comments (version, creation_date, update_date, author, is_public, is_archive, content, comment, locale) VALUES ('0', $1, $2, $3, TRUE, FALSE, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING id"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array(date('r'), date('r'), $this->author, $this->content, $this->comment, $this->locale)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); $this->id = pg_fetch_assoc($result)['id']; pg_close($con); } /***** ** Archive a comment *****/ public function delete() { global $config; global $user; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE content_comments SET is_public = FALSE WHERE id = $1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tDELETE \tArchive comment ".$this->id."\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.comments.log'); } /***** ** Restore a comment *****/ public function restore() { global $config; global $user; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE content_comments SET is_public = TRUE WHERE id = $1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tPUBLISH \tUn archive comment ".$this->id."\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'blog.comments.log'); } /***** ** Converts the Markdown comment to HTML *****/ public function md2html() { $this->comment_html = \Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($this->comment); } /***** ** Converts the Markdown comment to text *****/ public function md2txt() { $this->md2html(); $this->comment_txt = strip_tags($this->comment_html); } } /********************************************************** *********************************************************** ** ** This class is to manage a list of blog comments ** *********************************************************** **********************************************************/ class BlogComments { public $objs = array(); public $number = NULL; /***** ** Return the list of different articles *****/ public function listComments($id, $archive=0) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT * FROM content_comments WHERE content = $1 "; if ($archive == 0) $query .= "AND is_archive IS FALSE AND is_public IS TRUE "; $query .= "ORDER BY update_date DESC"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->number = pg_num_rows($result); for($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $this->objs[$i] = new BlogComment; $this->objs[$i]->populate($row); } } } ?>