id = $id; return 1; } else { return 0; } } /***** ** Connect to correct account using user/pass and stores its ID *****/ public function login($login, $pass) { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name=$1 AND password=$2"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($login, sha1($pass))) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); if(pg_num_rows($result) == 1) { $user = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $this->id = $user['id']; } } /***** ** Populate the object using its ID *****/ public function populate() { global $config; if($this->id != 0) { $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $user = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $this->name = $user['name']; $this->avatar = $user['avatar']; $this->locale = $user['locale']; $this->role = $user['role']; $this->lastlogin = $user['lastlogin']; $this->mail = $user['mail']; $this->website = $user['website']; $this->registered = $user['registered']; } else { die("Cannot populate an User without ID"); } } /***** ** Checks if the user's name is available or not *****/ public function availableName() { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE lower(name)=$1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array(strtolower($this->name))) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); if(pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { return 1; } else { if(pg_num_rows($result)==1) { $user = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $this->id = $user['id']; } return 0; } } /***** ** Checks if the user's mail address exists in the database *****/ public function availableMail() { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE lower(mail)=$1"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array(strtolower($this->mail))) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); if(pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { return 1; } else { if(pg_num_rows($result)==1) { $user = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $this->id = $user['id']; } return 0; } } /***** ** Creates a new user. *****/ public function create() { global $config; $regex = '/^(https?:\/\/)/'; if (!preg_match($regex, $this->website) && $this->website!="") $this->website = "http://".$this->website; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "INSERT INTO users (name, password, avatar, locale, role, lastlogin, mail, website, registered) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->name, $this->password, $this->avatar, $this->locale, $this->role, $this->lastlogin, $this->mail, $this->website, date('r'))) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->updateLoginDate(); } /***** ** Update the user profile *****/ public function update() { global $config; global $user; $regex = '/^(https?:\/\/)/'; if (!preg_match($regex, $this->website) && $this->website!="") $this->website = "http://".$this->website; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); if($this->password=='') { $query = "UPDATE users SET name = $1, avatar = $2, locale = $3, role = $4, mail = $5, website = $6 WHERE id = $7"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->name, $this->avatar, $this->locale, $this->role, $this->mail, $this->website, $this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); } else { $query = "UPDATE users SET name = $1, avatar = $2, locale = $3, role = $4, mail = $5, website = $6, password = $7 WHERE id = $8"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->name, $this->avatar, $this->locale, $this->role, $this->mail, $this->website, $this->password, $this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); } pg_close($con); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tUPDATE \tEdit user ".$this->name." (".$this->id.")\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'users.log'); } /***** ** Generates a random passwords, update the base and send the new password by mail. *****/ public function sendPassword() { global $config; $newPass = randomPassword(); $this->password = sha1($newPass); $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE users SET password = $1 WHERE mail = $2"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->password, $this->mail)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->availableMail(); $this->populate(); $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$config['rel_root_folder']; $message = "Bonjour ".$this->name.",
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "Voici votre nouveau mot de passe Kabano : ".$newPass."
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "Cordialement,
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "L'équipe Kabano.
\r\n"; $message .= "Fait avec ♥ depuis Toulouse.
\r\n"; $headers = 'From: '. $config['bot_mail'] . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '. $config['bot_mail'] . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n"; mail($this->mail, 'Kabano - Nouveau mot de passe', $message, $headers); } /***** ** Update the last login date *****/ public function updateLoginDate() { global $config; $this->lastlogin = date('r'); $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "UPDATE users SET lastlogin = $1 WHERE id = $2"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($this->lastlogin, $this->id)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); } /***** ** Outputs the role of the user *****/ public function role() { global $config; return ''.$config['roles'][$this->role][1].''; } /***** ** Sends an email to the user from an other user *****/ public function sendMail($content, $from) { global $config; global $user; $this->populate(); $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$config['rel_root_folder']; $message = "Bonjour ".$this->name.",
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "Vous venez de recevoir un message de ".$from->name." envoyé depuis Kabano.
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "

\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "Vous pouvez simplement répondre à cet email.
\r\n"; $message .= "
\r\n"; $message .= "L'équipe Kabano.
\r\n"; $message .= "Fait avec ♥ depuis Toulouse.
\r\n"; $headers = 'From: '. $from->mail . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '. $from->mail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n"; mail($this->mail, 'Kabano - Nouveau message privé', $message, $headers); error_log( date('r')." \t".$user->name." (".$user->id.") \tMAIL \tMail sent to ".$this->name." (".$this->id.")\r\n", 3, $config['logs_folder'].'users.log'); } } function randomPassword() { $alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'; $pass = array(); //remember to declare $pass as an array $alphaLength = strlen($alphabet) - 1; //put the length -1 in cache for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $n = rand(0, $alphaLength); $pass[] = $alphabet[$n]; } return implode($pass); //turn the array into a string } /********************************************************** *********************************************************** ** ** This class is to manage Users list object ** *********************************************************** **********************************************************/ class Users { public $ids = array(); public $number = NULL; /***** ** Get the users number and return the value *****/ public function number() { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $query = "SELECT id FROM users"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array()) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); $this->number = pg_num_rows($result); } /***** ** Get a list of users if according to the arguments *****/ public function list_users($first, $count, $orderby = "id", $order = "ASC") { global $config; $con = pg_connect("host=".$config['SQL_host']." dbname=".$config['SQL_db']." user=".$config['SQL_user']." password=".$config['SQL_pass']) or die ("Could not connect to server\n"); $orders=array("id","name","lastlogin","registered","website","role"); $key=array_search($orderby,$orders); $orderbysafe=$orders[$key]; if ($order == 'ASC') $query = "SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY $orderbysafe ASC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2"; else $query = "SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY $orderbysafe DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2"; pg_prepare($con, "prepare1", $query) or die ("Cannot prepare statement\n"); $result = pg_execute($con, "prepare1", array($count, $first)) or die ("Cannot execute statement\n"); pg_close($con); for($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $this->ids[$i] = $row['id']; } } } ?>